Degree & Certifications

Degree and Certifications


Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing

‘Influence buyer behavior, analyze markets, develop marketing strategies, create marketing plans, calculate pricing, and interpret market research’

Graduated from the Honors College at FIU and the College of Business.


Certificate: Market Research & Analysis

‘Use data analysis to detect trends, exceptions, and business opportunities, all while using the latest marketing analytic tools’


Certificate: Social Media & E-Marketing Analytics

‘Shape business-to-business and business-to-consumer social media programs; target the right Internet user characteristics; and strengthen relationship management marketing success.’

Professional Certifications


Google Search Ads

Issued November 2023, Expires November 2024 ID: 213289893


Google Video Ads

Issued October 2023, Expires October 2024. ID: 213152112


Google Display Ads

Issued October 2019, Expired October 2020. ID: 38474145


Google Shopping Ads

Issued April 2020, Expired April 2021. ID: 48891660

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Google Web Designer Basics

Issues March 2020, Expired March 2021. ID: 46313676


Google Analytics Individual Qualification

Issued February 2020, Expired February 2021. ID: 46029494


Google Search Ads 360

Issued January 2020, Expired January 2021. ID: 44776300

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Google Campaign Manager

Issued April 2020, Expired April 2021. ID: 45739311


Google Display & Video 360

Issued January 2020, Expired January 2021. ID: 44190802

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Hubspot Inbound Marketing

Issued March 2020, Expired April 2022

Hubspot Social Media

Issued April 2020, Expires April 2022

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American Marketing Association Digital Media Bootcamp

Issued April 2019, Expired April 2020

In Progress

Google UX Design Professional Certificate via Coursera - Estimated completion September 2024